Mesa del Tabaco represents the entire value chain of the Spanish tobacco sector: growers, processors, producers, wholesalers, vending machine manufacturers, tobacconists, as well as the CEOE and the agri-food federations of UGT and CC.OO.
The Spanish tobacco sector includes: tobacco growers and primary processing activity, concentrated in Extremadura; as well as the industries in the Canary Islands and Cantabria; and the manufacture of vending machines in Navarra. Wholesale distribution has an extensive capillarity to be able to provide service to retail sales, which are carried out through a network of 13,000 tobacconists, who guarantee the protection of minors.
Innovation is present throughout the chain, from production processes to the development of novel products with reduced risk potential. It is also a sector that contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly in areas related to sustainability and the environment.